Teaching Peace in English Class -Spring Series

 (1) Building a culture of peace and nonviolence in the classroom
   Date: May 2nd, Sunday
   Time: 1 pm to 5 pm
   Place: Teachers College, Columbia University (Japan),
   Facilitator: Mineko Kashimura, Komatsugawa 3rd Junior High school

   Cooperative peer and student relationships make classroom warm and positive. The ways to create a learning atmosphere in the class will be demonstrated. The experiences and ideas for convivial classroom will also be shared. Through the empowerment of the teacher and the students, we can link the global issues to the world By introducing the perspectives of peace and nonviolence, everyday exercise can be an inquiry of what is happening in Iraq or Palestine. The classroom will be a place for the future.

 (2) Understanding others through debate
   Date: June 6th, Sunday
   Time: 11 am to 4 pm
   Place: Waseda Hoshien/Room 2-222
   2-3-1 Nishi-Waseda, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo
   Tel: 03-3205-5411
   Facilitator: Iwao Sasada, Gakugaidaigaku Oizumi High school

   Debate is often perceived as a battle of winning and losing, however it is a cooperative process. The high school students did a discussion calmly in their classroom on topics such as the animation film called "Barefoot Gen" in US, sending SF to Iraq, and North Korea issues. The role of debate judges is considered important. We may spend some time to examine the argument.

 (3) Women and War
   Date: July 4th, Sunday
   Time: 11 am to 4 pm
   Place: Waseda Hoshien/Room 2-222
   2-3-1 Nishi-Waseda, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo
   Tel: 03-3205-5411

    Facilitator: Masako Deguchi, Rola Net


   Picture-language methodologies using "Battle of Leyte" will be introduced. "Battle of Leyte" is a picture diary of a girl taken by the Japanese Military, drawn by a former so called comfort woman by Japanese army. Learning from the real story, the war turns to be more direct and touches more deeply. Knowing the past, we may think about wars and conflicts in the world now.


(4) Focusing social issues in movies

  Suzuki, Masahiro, Seibubunri University


   At the initial scene of the film, there is a  monologue by Patch Adams (1998 US), a medical doctor, (played by Robin Williams). Adams speaks about how it is like "going home". Beautiful music is also introduced in the scene. Practice English by reciting the lines as if acting in the screen. The role play used is from the movie scenes which make the lessons into reality. Selecting materials and how to adopt them to the lessons will be discussed. 

      Alternative media: finding out what's really going on

      Cait Stronel, NI Japan

Media plays powerful role in the society now a days. The negative image of the HIV has been created by government and big media. People should be critical of the media. "New Internationalist" is a UK based opinion magazine. It is not known to the Japanese but such alternative media is significant for us to be critical in understanding global issues.

   Date: Oct, 3, Sunday, 11 am to 4 pm

   Place: Hokutopia 802B (Tel: 03-5390-1100, JR Oji, Nanbokusen)


 (4) Introductory workshop for Peace Study and Global Education

  Muroi, Michiko, Kisarazu Kosen

  Date: Nov, 3, Sunday, 11 am to 4 pm

  Place: Hokutopia 805 (Tel: 03-5390-1100, JR Oji, Nanbokusen)


   We often come across the word Peace Study  recently. A traditional style of conflict resolution in Polynesia will be effective even for transforming regional conflicts as a peace building method. This methodology is also applicable to the classroom. We may examine how we practice in our own setting. In addition, we also discuss the differences about cross-cultural education, multicultural education and global education. Let us clarify these terms together.


(5) Let link people through English class 

      ― uniting neighbors and the people abroad

   Abe, Naoko, Hoya Junior High school

   Date Dec, 5, Sunday, 11 am to 4 pm. 

   Place: Hokutopia 805 (Tel: 03-5390-1100, JR Oji, Nanbokusen)  


   To learn foreign language is to link people, in the neighborhood or those far away, across the borders. We can connect people through an English lesson, if we consider that learning a foreign language is to understand and to unify the people in the neighborhood and  those in far away places.  The classroom activities for 9.11, sending letters to President Bush, exchanges with children of Iraq and Afghanistan, holding music concert on the school trip to Hiroshima are introduced. We do workshop to design and develop materials and activities without much burden. Photo language Kit produced by EX-JOCV(Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers), shows actual figures of the children in  various countries. It would enrich the class. This workshop would be a breakthrough for teachers with difficult situations but wish to innovate the lessons. 

Fee:4,000 yen (member: 3,000 yen) each day.
Further info: Kazuya Asakawa ( e-mail: kasan@mac.com)